Communiheat: Energy Fair, Saturday 13th November, Barcombe

Ovesco Project COMMUNIHEAT  is holding another  Energy Fair this Saturday 13th November  10 –  2pm in Barcombe Village Hall Although the event is focused on the project and activities that have taken place in Barcombe, the event is open to all across Lewes...

Ovesco joins Lewes Depot for Green on Screen Week

‘In recent years, children and young people nationally and internationally have made loud their concerns about the pressing urgency of climate change. In Lewes, there has been a coordinated response across all the schools to take seriously these calls for action....

Ovesco AGM 27 October 2021

Ovesco shareholders are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting which will take place on Zoom on the 27th October 2021. Shareholders can register here for the event Attendees will be able to vote for new directors, get an update on site performances and hear...


OVESCO have big plans to help the community this winter to “Take  back control of fuel bills”. We  hav secured funding from the BIG ENERGY SAVING NETWORK to train Energy champions to work across Lewes district and to help people to  understand their energy bills, ...

London Climate Action Week, 26 June – 4 July: Join up

With the COP26 climate talks now less than five months away, it’s time to build the pressure and press for a serious response to the climate emergency. A few days ago G7 leaders met by the beach in Cornwall, but it seems they’d left their ambition at home,...