We have recently been granted planning permission for Ouse Valley Solar Farm.
Ovesco is developing Ouse Valley Solar Farm at Norlington Farm, north of Norlington Lane, Ringmer. The project will generate circa 17MW – the equivalent to power in excess of 4,000 homes. The solar farm will bring awareness of the need to reduce carbon emissions and to promote biodiversity as well as numerous education and environmental benefits to the community and wider area.
Lewes District Council has declared a climate emergency and laid out plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.Ouse Valley Solar Farm will add to local energy security, make a significant contribution to achieving the carbon reduction commitments of Lewes District and provide a long term annual benefit fund for the community.
How we work:
As a community energy company we always develop projects considerately. We believe that the delivery of each project can be achieved in harmony with its surroundings.
The main benefits of generating clean, renewable energy from the Ouse Valley Solar farm:
- The project will support the UK’s urgent need to transition to a low carbon future, producing significant amounts of renewable energy.
- It will assist Lewes District Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with local, national and international targets
- Contribute towards the security of energy supply in the Lewes District through the provision of local, community led renewable energy supply.
- A solar farm as a temporary development enables agricultural land to rest for the period of operation.
- In addition to energy production, a solar farm supports biodiversity by allowing small animals, birds, insects and wildflowers to flourish.
- No protected landscape, heritage or ecological designations will be affected by the solar farm.
- We anticipate that construction will be complete in approximately 4 months from commencement.
- The proposed solar farm will not require Government subsidy.
- OVESCO is committed to using local suppliers during construction and operation where possible.
More information
For more information or if you would like to get involved or invest please contact: ousevalleysolar@ovesco.co.uk
I am writing as policy Director on behalf of Greenpeace UK in support of this proposed solar farm. It is vitally important in the context of climate change, sky-high fossil fuel prices that cheap renewable power is delivered to the UK. Solar power is one of those sources that can do that.
We are in a climate emergency – as I write record spring temperatures are threatening livelihoods and food production across India and Pakistan. Carbon Brief have calculated that new solar (and wind) are six times cheaper than running existing gas plant to provide our electricity. Greenpeace support this application.
As an enthusiastic supporter of community energy schemes, I am writing in support of the proposed Ouse Valley Solar Farm. Not only should this be seen as a small but important contribution to addressing today’s Climate Emergency, but there are wider implications to be considered.
With the world’s attention focused on Ukraine, the importance of energy security has been powerfully reinforced. This is as relevant at the local level as it is nationally. A 17MW solar farm will make a significant contribution to local energy needs.
I read the summary of the proposal, and am impressed by the thought that has gone into ensuring benefits for the wider community over and above the electricity generated.
The Biodiversity Net Gain commitments are particularly important in such a beautiful part of the world, and I was impressed by ideas regarding the extension and repair of the existing hedgerows.
For schemes of this kind to succeed, with full community support, they need to be designed with maximum attention to local features and conservation concerns. That would clearly appear to be the case here.