Energy Generation

OVESCO delivers generation projects to enable:

  • Increased low carbon energy generation.
  • Local ownership and benefits.

Our vision is for a future in which 100% of our energy needs are generated locally from renewable sources.

We have been delivering community energy projects since we launched our first community share offer 2011, which financed a 98kW solar power station at Harveys Depot in Lewes.

We have already generated over 1 million kW hours of clean energy at Harveys Depot. Building on that success we installed solar roof top PV for schools and local businesses in Sussex.

Scaling up we enabled Meadow Blue Community Energy to build a 5MW solar farm in West Sussex and taken a 17MW solar farm for Ouse Valley Solar Farm through the planning process.

Our dedicated team takes projects though the project development process:

  • Accessing funding.
  • Undertaking feasibility studies.
  • Managing communications.
  • Working with planning and legal consultants.
  • Raising finance with community share or bond offers.
  • Overseeing construction working with local contractors.
  • Operating and managing our projects on behalf of our community shareholders and investors.


Visit ‘Our Projects’ page to view all of our current generation managed by OVESCO.

If you have a project you want OVESCO to develop go to fill out the form below to take your project on the journey to generation.

Because of our success OVESCO Directors Chris and Ollie set up Community Energy South in 2013 to help other community energy groups set up and scale up.

Case Study

Sunny Solar Schools

Ovesco Sunny Solar Schools have installed solar PV panels on the roof of schools for free and given them access to reduced daytime electricity prices for 25 years.

Today, we have 250 kW of solar capacity across the 8 schools we support.

Case Study

Meadow Blue Solar Farm

The 5MW solar array was developed by Ovesco in partnership with Mongoose Energy, following a community share offer in 2015 – raising over £1.2M. 

The project is 100% community-owned and generates enough electricity every year to power over 1200 average homes.