OVESCO have big plans to help the community this winter to “Take  back control of fuel bills”.

We  hav secured funding from the BIG ENERGY SAVING NETWORK to train Energy champions to work across Lewes district and to help people to 

  • understand their energy bills, 
  • switch suppliers to the best possible tariff for householders,
  • ensure the vulnerable are on the priority services register
  • find sources of funding and grants to help householders to save energy

The season starts with an online webinar held in conjunction with Ouse Valley Cares:“Energy Champions in the Havens” on the 23rd September and explains to local people the highs and lows of being an Energy Champion

A second event:  “Energy Champions in your community”  is on the 30th September which talks with energy champions from across the South and shows how communities can move from supporting people out of fuel poverty to finding funding to retrofit whole villages to save energy.

The third event – a Face to Face event will take place in Newhaven on Friday 1st October.  This event is for people who want training in understanding energy bills so they can share this – and more with clients and their local communities. 

Ovesco want to find at least 6 Energy Champions to support the community this winter.  Volunteers will work with Ovesco advisors, Nicki Myers, Nick Rouse and Ollie Pendered at regular energy drop ins in the Lewes Climate Hub and with other groups who want energy support this winter.

For more information please join one of our webinars above or email hello@ovesco.co.uk