Ovesco to join “We the Power” expert panel at Lewes Depot

Ovesco CEO Chris Rowland & Communiheat Project Manager Nicki Myers, will join Lewes District Councillor Matthew Bird on an expert panel at the Lewes Depot cinema, 27th April at 6pm. The panel will be hosted by secondary school students from Priory School and...

Draught Busting & Home Energy Pack Giveaways

We are delighted to announce that along with Lewes Climate Hub, Transition Town Lewes and our Communiheat we are sharing Home energy packs for those in need and retrofit support. People attending our energy advice sessions can access help with ensuring they are...

Energy Advice: Can you save money this winter?

Ovesco together with Lewes Climate Hub are running three more of their free energy bill support drop-in sessions this month – and Ovesco has lots more plans to support householders, including free Home Energy Packs and insulation kits to those on low incomes. As our...