This week is Big Energy Saving Network Week

With the frost outside and cold hitting our homes OVESCO have a week of Energy Saving Events lined up:

Wednesday 23rd January: Lewes & Eastbourne Council tenants forum, offering energy bill checks, switching advice and energy saving products for those in need

Thursday 24 Jan January: Newhaven, Hillcrest Community Centre 9.30 – 12.30 , Energy advice morning – and draught proofing and other energy saving products. All welcome

Friday 25 January: Lewes Energy Coffee morning, Royal Oak pub Station Street, Energy advice morning, draught proofing and other energy saving products. Plus film of how to create an ultra low carbon energy saving home, with samples of additional products. All welcome

Friday 25 January: Our Energy Champions will visit the Lewes Foodbank at Christchurch, Fitzjohns Avenue to give energy advice and products. If you use the foodbank, please bring your energy bills that day so we can help you.