We are delighted to announce the launch of our new social venture for Lewes Get Bikery!
This scheme will provide a carbon emissions-free alternative to fossil fuel transport in our town. We partnered with Lewes District Council to trial eCargo bikes. We want to support local businesses, tradespeople and households to;
• Tackle climate change
• Reduce congestion
• Improve air quality in Lewes Town and the surrounding area
• Provide community training and voluntary opportunities.
Get Bikery has a mixed fleet of 8 eCargo bikes and trailers which are available for a wide range of tasks and loads. Our front-loading bikes will be used mainly for deliveries and big loads whilst the Tern bikes are ideal for households with limited space who want to trial an eCargo bike as an alternative to short car journeys.
We will provide;
• A Delivery service for local traders, makers and creatives to customers within a 3-mile radius.
• A fortnightly and monthly hire by local micro-businesses on a ‘try before you buy basis’.
• A weekly hire by local households interested in trying eCargo bikes.
Contact getbikery@ovesco.org.uk or call 07890617247 for further information